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We verticutt all Florida grasses Now until Nov. 28th, receive a 15% discount More: www.verticutting.com |
Verticutting, cleans, thins, removes thatch and excessive top growth. Should be done yearly. Bermuda and Zoysia, more often.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Just imagine a 15% discount on verticutting?
Sunday, October 9, 2016
The Science of Verticutting.
Fig A. |
Why are golf greens verticutt so often?
What if your St. Augustine grass was verticutt more often?
Fig b. Does your lawn look like this? |
- Let's discuss the question of why not verticutt more often? Ok, your lawn is not a golf green, but why is it different? The biggest reason St. Augustine grasses continue to grow on top of itself, called layering. Creating thatch, and difficult mowing conditions.
Golf greens are built on special soil structures, The
additional traffic then creates compacting of the soil.
Making aeration and verticutting so necessary to the health of the green.
The layering or matting is created by overwatering, too much fertilizer, mowing too high, and not verticutting. All these factors create thatch, not grass clippings.
2. Aeration versus Verticutting for St. Augustine grasses, in central and South Florida?
- The truth, some dishonest companies are pushing aerating, Why?
- It's easy money.
- Aeration will have no effect on St. Augustine lawns grown on sand.
- The aerator drops the core back on the lawn, so any thatch it removes is left.
- Then because it's sand what keeps the hole from filling back up?
- Also, aeration has no effect layering.
- Moving north from Tampa bay, the soil structures will change, and then the lawns may require aeration.
Does your lawn need verticutting? Contact York for a free estimate:
york.ysta@gmail.com or 727-455-7337
Cutting Up
By Larry Jones, Jacobsen, A Textron Company
There is a missing link in many lawn care programs — an underutilized cultural practice that boosts turf health and, potentially, your bottom line. Vertical mowing is a healthy habit and a beneficial component of an annual turf care routine. Simply put, vertical mowing encourages turf to take its vitamins.
The practice turns up thatch and opens the turf canopy so it can drink up nutrients and water, and clear out room for fresh growth. Verticutting is an energy boost, setting the stage for green-up in spring and preparing turf for overseeding in fall. And most turf varieties appreciate verticutting — the vigorous mowing isn't limited to sports turf or commercial properties.
Consider verticutting part of a balanced diet. Here are some ways to make sure your turf receives the correct dose and some details on choosing appropriate equipment to deliver the best results.
Verticutting is a deep-cleaning process for the turf canopy. Vertical blades — arranged .025 to 1.5 inches apart on a disc — ( (spacing for St. Augustine 3-4" apart) rotate through turf, dredging up thatch and opening the canopy to allow the turf to breath. Vertical mowing in the traditional sense is a remedial mechanical process to remove excess thatch, reduce turf canopy density and extract organic material from the turf region at or below the plant crown area. Verticutting isn't aeration, and it isn't grooming. But often, there is a mix-up between the two.
Golf course superintendents who groom turf understand the regenerative benefits of conditioning their turf. Though the concept is similar to verticutting, the results are quite different. Groomers are a lightweight version of a verticutter. The vertical blades are thinner and the cutting depth is less — targeting the growing points and tips of the grass stem. Results from groomers are less drastic, allowing turf to recover quickly and look relatively untouched.
Verticutters, on the other hand, dig deeper into the turf canopy and penetrate the crown area of the plant, possibly below, severing stolons and stems. While groomers are designed to condition or stimulate new growth, verticutters are more rigorous and remove thatch. When a verticutter passes over a section of turf, results are visible. Vertical mowing can be disruptive if you cut deeply into the canopy. Upturned soil and debris rest on the turf surface.
Cleanup is simple, requiring one pass over the area with a mower to collect residual debris. This step is critical to ensure what's left behind doesn't compact into soil and reverse verticutting benefits. Removing debris and opening the turf canopy also reduces humidity, promotes drying and reduces the opportunity for disease development.
Sure, verticutting can be dirty work. But the benefits are worth the cleanup — and recovery is minimal if you perform the process properly, gauge verticutting vigor based on turf requirements and utilize the right equipment for the job. Light vertical mowing (being less aggressive and more frequent), can benefit both active growing and aggressive turf by promoting superior turf performance and persistence.
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Put your lawn on a diet.
What happens when you start gaining weight, and your waistline is growing, you go on a diet?
Then I ask does your lawn also need a diet?
What do you do, call Dr. Oz or Dr. Phil for advice?
No, you call Dr. York, the verticutter man.
For months here in Central Florida, it has rained and rained, increasing the top growth and thatch. Also today Oct. 1st the fertilizer restrictions end. Sadly this means your lawn will not stop growing, please let me explain.
Problem one:
In the wisdom of our beloved environmentalists, they decided here in Pinellas County to ban the application of lawn fertilizers June 1st to Sept. 30th. To decrease the run-off of these products into our waterways. This is a good idea but does not decrease run-off and debris ( grass in the streets and sewers ), in the summer months and not in the months Oct. to June, why?
Ok, you called Dr. Oz, he said fewer carbs and fat, and more vitamins.
With all the rain and no vitamins, the quality of your lawn is depleted, and I will bet the lawn spray company gave you a discount June to Sept. 30th?
Then what happens now the lawn spray company will increase the amount of fertilizer in the off-season. The result the lawn's that normally were dormant in the off-season continue growing, thus increasing the amount of debris from mowing in the streets and sewers. Also when the person who mows, has to work much harder, then they did before this program started.
Sadly, we have another government program forced down our throats, like healthcare.
Because I am the guy who has verticutt more lawns in Tampabay then anyone, I speak from experience.
Problem two:
The aeration of St. Augustine lawns here in central and So. Florida is a total waste of money, and in my opinion basically dishonest, why?
Putting holes in sand accomplishes nothing.
When the aerator deposits the plug ( your money ) back on the lawn ( including the thatch ) and the hole in the sand fills back in because it's sand, nothing is accomplished. So no thatch is ever removed. The biggest problem the matting, the top growth stays the same, why waste your money?
The answer, why is verticutting different?
First, the lawn is mowed lower.
Second ( see photos on this blog ) the verticutter cuts and thins all that top growth ( matting & thatch ), while also aerating.
All cut matting and thatch are removed, and then vacuum mowed.
This process improves mowing. Verticutting makes aeration a total waste of money and has three times the value of aeration.
1. Clears out thatch and removes excess turf growth
2. Provides channels for water infiltration
3. Opens turf canopy so sunlight and nutrients can settle into soil
4. Promotes new, healthy turf growth
Call or email: york.ysta@gmail.com or 727-455-7337
Friday, September 2, 2016
Sign-up and SAVE!$
We will officially open the Verticutting season Oct. 3rd. Make an appointment early and SAVE $25.
SAVE $50 for each customer you recommend, and we complete that Verticutting also.
With the gazillion gallons of raindrops falling here in Central Florida, every lawn will need Verticutting, sign-up early and SAVE.
SAVE $50 for each customer you recommend, and we complete that Verticutting also.
With the gazillion gallons of raindrops falling here in Central Florida, every lawn will need Verticutting, sign-up early and SAVE.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Shopping, your lawn and the Married Man!
Hillary & Bill |
Guys, think back to when you and your wife went house hunting?
Let me tell you a story about lawns, shopping, and marriage.
Here in Pinellas County St. Augustine lawns are so out of control. One reason, my opinion, over watering, and (reclaimed water ) adds more nutrients, plus over fertilizing and wives. Of course, it's the lawn spray programs fault (maybe) or is it just a catch 22?
So Guys, think back to when you and your wife went house hunting? If you're in that business, you think I am crazy? You say these lawns need fertilizing, pest control and weed control, every other month? Why do I ask, is it all about money?
So the catch 22, OK, I will draw an (analogy) between makeup for women and lawn spray programs! ( You now think I am crazy)
For years I have wondered why women wear makeup and most men don't? Simple some smart business man years ago figured out how to make more money! In the end, it's always about the money!
Now the lawn spray industry has lots of money tied up in equipment, employees to pay, wife's, who want to go shopping for makeup and stuff!! eke.
Maybe it was the same guy who dreamed up how to convince women they needed all that stuff: cosmetics, nail salons, beauty parlors, mud on the face, eke!
But maybe the idea spraying lawns more often was not dreamed up by that guy or even a man? Could it be retaliation by women? Please follow my thinking, it’s Saturday morning, your wife wakes you early, honey she says, you know I have to go shopping, and I need your opinion on stuff!! So please mow the lawn.
So follow, what if it was a woman who dreamed up the greener lawn, not men, it's that poor guy who slaved all week! He has to get out in the hot sun and push his trusty mower thru that lush lawn, that perfect weedless expanse surrounding your abode? Just to take his wife shopping!
Guys, think back to when you and your wife went house hunting? You didn’t know then about this shopping conspiracy, aka, the lush green lawn, did you?
Yes, it has been said this massive plot/conspiracy was hatched in a women's restroom, hard to believe isn't it, not really. Think back to the last time you were at a party or out to dinner with friends. Did your wife go to the restroom alone? If you didn’t know that’s where it all happens; the conspiracy I mean.
Ok, let's go back to the house hunting part, just in case you didn’t know women are smarter than you know, even if they're blonde! It’s true men look at the yard, the garage, the basement, that's part of the man castle stuff. We want to cut, saw, fix, build, invent and watch the game with a cool imported beer, with no interruptions, like honey, do I look ok in these slacks?
This has been a true story, because, in the house hunting phase, she knew you admired a great lawn, you wanted that man castle stuff. Even when her eyes glazed over when you talk about that SS Camaro you want to restore in (your) garage. And then as guys show up at the man castle, and you plot, aka, like in the women's restroom, hehe.
They chat do you have to take your wife shopping? Is your lawn almost impossible to mow, it’s so thick? Have you heard about this Verticutting thing?
And I will say " real men don't shop with their wives " unless you're a saint? Or just bring your copy of 'Atlas Shrugged ' just 1400 pages! It could take that long.
Now you all think I am a wacko? Maybe? Just make your wife happy, and verticutt that lawn.
The caveat, the next time they go to the ladies room, she will tell what a wonderful husband you are!
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Get ready Verticutting season will be here soon
Why verticutting
Vertical mowing delivers a bevy of benefits to turfgrass, such as:
1. Clears out thatch and removes excess turf growth
2. Provides channels for water infiltration
3. Opens turf canopy so sunlight and nutrients can settle into soil
4. Promotes new, healthy turf growth
The dominant grass in central and south Florida is St. Augustine . The excessive top growth, along with the accumulation of thatch creates many problems
Thatch is defined as an intermingled layer of dead and living shoots, stems, and roots that develops between the zone of green vegetation and the soil surface. Thatch consists of a loosely interwoven collection of plant matter that leaves the turf feeling spongy or puffy .
When excessive (1 inch or more), thatch causes serious problems in Florida lawns. inch or more), thatch causes serious problems in Florida lawns.
Thatch accumulations are undesirable for a variety of reasons.
• Thatch can restrict water and air movement into the soil. Dry thatch tends to repel water rather than allow infiltration, and wet thatch enhances disease problems. If your lawn has dry spots that are difficult to rewet (unless you almost flood the areas), these are probably dry thatch spots.
Thick thatch makes mowing very difficult. As thatch builds up, mowing height actually increases above the soil line, and the turf becomes very spongy, allowing the mower to sink into the turf and scalp the lawn. This results in an uneven appearance and often a mottled brown and green surface.
Thatch provides an ideal habitat for insects and disease. Thatch accumulation is associated with an increased incidence of many insects and diseases.
• A thatchy condition elevates the growing points (crowns), runners (rhizomes and stolons) and roots above the soil surface.
This document is ENH12, one of a series of the Environmental Horticulture Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida . Original publication date September 2001. Revised December 2001 and June 2006. Please visit the EDIS web site at http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu.
....................................................................................................................................................................................................Recommend two verticutting customers, jobs we complete and receive a free voucher to:
....................................................................................................................................................................................................Recommend two verticutting customers, jobs we complete and receive a free voucher to:
York's School of Landscape Maintenance: http://yorkslms.blogspot.com/ or www.verticutting.com
Cutting Up
By Larry Jones, Jacobsen, A Textron Company
There is a missing link in many lawn care programs — an underutilized cultural practice that boosts turf health and, potentially, your bottom line. Vertical mowing is a healthy habit and a beneficial component of an annual turf care routine. Simply put, vertical mowing encourages turf to take its vitamins.
The practice turns up thatch and opens the turf canopy so it can drink up nutrients and water, and clear out room for fresh growth. Verticutting is an energy boost, setting the stage for green-up in spring and preparing turf for overseeding in the north. And most turf varieties appreciate verticutting — the vigorous mowing isn't limited to sports turf or commercial properties.
Consider verticutting part of a balanced diet. Here are some ways to make sure your turf receives the correct dose and some details on choosing appropriate equipment to deliver the best results.
Vertical mowing delivers a bevy of benefits to turfgrass, such as:
1. Clears out thatch and removes excess turf growth
2. Provides channels for water infiltration
3. Opens turf canopy so sunlight and nutrients can settle into soil
4. Promotes new, healthy turf growth
Winner of 4 City of St. Petersburg City Beautification Awards
727-455-7337 or whyverticutting.com
Friday, August 5, 2016
Building a beautiful healthy lawn from start. to finish
Building a beautiful lawn starts with a clean grade and closely pieced together sod. Above St. Augustine sod. A well-laid lawn, with no overlapping edges, requires no rolling. |
Replacing an existing lawn with sod.
- Mow first if necessary, and clean off excess material.
- Treat the area with Round-up. Wait 7-10 days, spray again if all is not dead, before removal.
- Use a sod cutter, remove the dead sod. Establish a grade.
- With the use of Round-up, you will gain control of weeds and grasses, besides when you sod cut, the material you will remove will be so much lighter.
- Establish a good grade
- Check the sprinklers for proper distribution. See blog here: 'How good is your irrigation.'
- After grading, wait 2-3 weeks, then spray again, as you see new leaves breaking the surface.
- You may start sodding the next day.
- Contract with a professional lawn spray company.
- Start Verticutting the first year.
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Seville St. Augustine |
- Mow first if necessary, and clean off excess material.
- Treat the area with Round-up. Wait 7-10 days, spray again if all is not dead.
- Leave the dead lawn as a mulch bed for the new grass, as the plugs grow, the dead will disappear.
- Spray again before plugging and wait for at least one hr.
- Just heed my advice, the goal of grass plugs is to save money. But if you don't have a proper fertilization, insect, fungus, and weed control program at least the first three months, you may be wasting your money.
- Start Verticutting the first year.
- Just remember the closer you put the plugs the faster they will fill in.
For free estimates in Tampa Bay contact: whyverticutting@gmail.com
Or contact York: 727-455-7337
Or contact York: 727-455-7337
Friday, July 1, 2016
The Verticutting Process Start to Finish
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The first look, the lawn was mowed just two days before Verticutting |
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After mowing |
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Verticutter |
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The clean-up |
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The finished product |
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The finished product 6/30/16. It's very important that you don't let the lawn dry out. The lawn will green-up in about two weeks. |
The Verticutting Process Start to Finish
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The first look, the lawn was mowed just two days before Verticutting |
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After mowing |
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Verticutter |
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The clean-up |
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The finished product |
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The finished product 6/30/16. It's very important that you don't let the lawn dry out. The lawn will green-up in about two weeks. |
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June 7th, we removed 19, 40 gallon bags of matting and thatch. Remember as they say on AGT ( America's Got Talent ) don't try this yourself! |
The Verticutting Process Start to Finish
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The first look, the lawn was mowed just two days before Verticutting |
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After mowing |
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Verticutter |
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The clean-up |
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The finished product |
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The finished product 6/30/16. It's very important that you don't let the lawn dry out. The lawn will green-up in about two weeks. |
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June 7th, we removed 19, 40 gallon bags of matting and thatch. Remember as they say on AGT ( America's Got Talent ) don't try this yourself! |
Friday, June 17, 2016
Incorrect use of fertilizer and poor landscape debris management/Questions?
Friends, I am going to get a little political and draw an analogy between gun control and fertilizer control laws ( in Pinellas County )!
Please stay with me because I am not the best writer. Because the governments answer to everything is just politics, we have these amazing laws?
Excess Nitrogen & Phosphorous polluted over 70% of Pinellas County waters. Excess nutrients cause harmful algae blooms that turn the water a green or rust color which lower oxygen levels and lead to fish kills. The treatment to remove these nutrients cost taxpayers millions of dollars each year. Fertilizer and landscape debris are nutrient sources that can be controlled with your help. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure!
To address these issues, the Pinellas County Commission approved an ordinance regulating landscape practices and the sale and use of fertilizers containing nitrogen or phosphorus.

Why am I qualified?
If you live in Pinellas County, take the BMP course below. Please let them know when you disagree.
The GI-BMPs are a science-based educational program for Green Industry workers (lawn-care and landscape maintenance professionals), brought to you by UF-IFAS Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ program. The GI-BMPs teach environmentally safe landscaping practices that help conserve and protect Florida’s ground and surface waters. They can also save the Florida homeowner money, time, and effort; increase the beauty of the home landscape; and protect the health of your family, pets, and the environment.
Florida Statute 482.1562 states that all commercial fertilizer applicators must have a license from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) by January 1, 2014. To get this license, each Green Industry worker must be trained in the GI-BMPs and receive a certificate of completion from UF/IFAS and FDEP. Additionally, many non-commercial Green Industry applicators or other workers are required to pass the training by local ordinances or voluntarily participate in the program to better serve their clients.
Please stay with me because I am not the best writer. Because the governments answer to everything is just politics, we have these amazing laws?
- Did you know, over 90% of mass killings happen in gun free zones, why?
- Did you known because of the ban on use of Nitrogen & Phosphorous fertilizers in our summer months this has decreased runoff and or debris management? See below what the County Commission has approved.
Fertilizer ban started Jan. 2011
Excess Nitrogen & Phosphorous polluted over 70% of Pinellas County waters. Excess nutrients cause harmful algae blooms that turn the water a green or rust color which lower oxygen levels and lead to fish kills. The treatment to remove these nutrients cost taxpayers millions of dollars each year. Fertilizer and landscape debris are nutrient sources that can be controlled with your help. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure!
Incorrect use of fertilizer and poor landscape debris management can allow nutrients to leach into the groundwater and wash into storm drains that flow to lakes, streams, and bays.
Why am I qualified?
- Started in this industry in 1958
- Have been licensed in all phases of Horticulture, except inside pest control & termite control, in Florida.
- On the board of Directors of the FNGA, early 1970's.
- Member of the PGMA, Professional Grounds Maintenance Ass. In the 1970's the PGMA averaged 400 attendees at monthly meetings. It was truly the who's who of the Tampa Bay Horticulture industry.
- Winner of 4 City of St. Petersburg city beautification awards in Landscape Maintenance.
- Studied 4 years of night school PTI ( Pinellas Technical Institute ) under Jack Siebenthauler (Mr. Siebenthaler also was a consulting arborist for Busch Gardens, Cypress Gardens, and Walt Disney World. He was honored by two first ladies in the White House for his innovations, which included a system of delivering time-release nutrients to tree roots beneath the pavement.) , Charles Bingham, disease control, Dick Comfort, irrigation and Ray Foster, insect control.
- In business in Pinellas County since 1971.
- If you're interested in ideas to start your business, read below.
- Please read "Creating a Landscaping Maintenance Business 14 chapters." on this blog.
Then after 3 years of discussion, the County forces me to take this BMP course information below. I asked, are you sure you want me to take this course?
Ok, being semi-retired I spend 50 to 100 miles a week cycling. Normally I cycle out to check out a prospective customers lawn after they call for Verticutting. So being this guy who has spent his life in this industry, I cruise through lots Pinellas County neighborhoods, yes looking at lawns and landscaping.
In the so-called off-season here, I have noticed the past few years the lawns are growing more all winter, Why? One reason the lawn spray companies are now increasing fertilizing to make -up for the change in fertilizer laws. This also increases the amount of debris or overflow of clippings in the streets, gutters, sidewalks and driveways during what once was the slow growing season ( see photo ). Also, because it rains so much here, and the lawns are overwatered, the fertilizer run-off problem has not changed. So at the BMP course
( Best Management Practices ), I asked?
( Best Management Practices ), I asked?
When I asked at the BMP course about what effect the new laws have had, they had no answer! So it is very simple, gun free zones get more people killed, and changing fertilizer laws solves nothing, why, because it all about politics, not common sense!
In the photo below the quality work by this contractor is a lot more common than most know? It is just my guess that the changes in the fertilizer laws will only compound the debris management problem! So of course, improving the environment!
If you live in Pinellas County, take the BMP course below. Please let them know when you disagree.
GI-BMP Training & Program Overview
What Are The GI-BMPs?
The GI-BMPs are a science-based educational program for Green Industry workers (lawn-care and landscape maintenance professionals), brought to you by UF-IFAS Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ program. The GI-BMPs teach environmentally safe landscaping practices that help conserve and protect Florida’s ground and surface waters. They can also save the Florida homeowner money, time, and effort; increase the beauty of the home landscape; and protect the health of your family, pets, and the environment.
This training is designed to provide corporate, governmental, environmental, and other personnel the Best Management Practices for lawn and landscape. Learn what impact the BMPs will have on your business or municipality. Developed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and endorsed by the pest control industry, this training is brought to you by UF-IFAS Florida-Friendly Landscaping program with partial funding by FDEP through a Nonpoint Source Management (Section 319h) grant from USEPA.
Who Gets Trained in the GI-BMPs?
Florida Statute 482.1562 states that all commercial fertilizer applicators must have a license from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) by January 1, 2014. To get this license, each Green Industry worker must be trained in the GI-BMPs and receive a certificate of completion from UF/IFAS and FDEP. Additionally, many non-commercial Green Industry applicators or other workers are required to pass the training by local ordinances or voluntarily participate in the program to better serve their clients.
Who Should Attend:
- Supervisors and employees in the lawn care, pest control, or landscape industry
- Municipal parks and recreation facility supervisors and employees
- Irrigation industry workers
- Commercial property managers
- City and county planning department staff
- City and county environmental department or water quality staff
- City and county commission staff
- Builders and developers
- Landscape designers and architects
- Golf course employees
- Anyone working in the areas of water quality, urban development, or environmental issues
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
How good is your irrigation?

After a fresh Verticutt, it's time to test the irrigation system.
Watering at the right time.
Lawns only need about ¾ inch of water in one watering session. Place empty tuna cans or measuring cups around the yard (all within the range of the sprinkler, some close, some farther away). Turn on the sprinkler for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, measure the amount of water collected in each can/cup. Check to see if there was even distribution of water in all the cans/cups. If the cans/cups collected ¾ inch of water, then you know you need to water for 30 minutes. If the cans/cups collected more or less than ¾ inch of water, then calculate approximately how long you need to water your landscape so that it receives ¾ inch of water in each watering session.
So how good is your irrigation?
Is it truly all about the design?
Some stuff to think about:
The size of the pipe delivering the water.
The source ( pump/well, city water, reclaimed, etc ).
How many gallons of water will each source deliver?
How much water will each pipe size deliver? Most common pipe sizes (1/2" 12 gallons per minute GPM - 3/4" 18 GPM -1" 24 GPM)
The size of the nozzle installed in the sprinkler. Most sprinklers have available many different size nozzles, they change the rate of precipitation and coverage area.
Some types of sprinkler devices used (rotors, spray heads, drip).
The distance between each sprinkler. (always design for 100% coverage)
In the photo above the rotors are set about 25' apart. The spray from each head should reach the other with no wind ( 100% coverage ). Your goal should be at least (60% coverage) under windy conditions.
Pinellas County Watering Schedules:
Reclaimed: http://www.pinellascounty.org/utilities/reclaim-irrigation.htm
County Water or Wells: http://www.pinellascounty.org/utilities/water-restrict.htm
Next: let's talk about designing your sprinkler system.
The size of the pipe delivering the water.
The source ( pump/well, city water, reclaimed, etc ).
How many gallons of water will each source deliver?
How much water will each pipe size deliver? Most common pipe sizes (1/2" 12 gallons per minute GPM - 3/4" 18 GPM -1" 24 GPM)
The size of the nozzle installed in the sprinkler. Most sprinklers have available many different size nozzles, they change the rate of precipitation and coverage area.
Some types of sprinkler devices used (rotors, spray heads, drip).
The distance between each sprinkler. (always design for 100% coverage)
In the photo above the rotors are set about 25' apart. The spray from each head should reach the other with no wind ( 100% coverage ). Your goal should be at least (60% coverage) under windy conditions.
Pinellas County Watering Schedules:
Reclaimed: http://www.pinellascounty.org/utilities/reclaim-irrigation.htm
County Water or Wells: http://www.pinellascounty.org/utilities/water-restrict.htm
Next: let's talk about designing your sprinkler system.
For a free estimate contact York: whyverticutting@gmail.com
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