Saturday, August 19, 2017

Call now for the $50 discount/

Verticutting cleans, thins,
 removes thatch, and improves mowing
Wow, sign-up now before the end of Janurary, in Pinellas County only for the $50 discount.

Contact York
727 455 7337

We ask all customers
  1. Have the grass mowed as close to Verticutting day as possible?
  2. All sprinklers marked and or cleaned around.
  3. Sprinklers turned off.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Why does my lawn need Verticutting/

  1. Every type of grass creates thatch.
  2. Thatch accumulates naturally.
  3. Over fertilization contributes to thatch.
  4. Removing the thatch opens up the lawn allowing water, fertilizers, pesticides and the sun to reach the root system better.
  5. Over watering, and over fertilizing increase the top growth.
  6. The most popular grass in Central and So. Florida is St. Augustine.
  7. Unlike most other grasses St. Augustine's will grow in layers, making mowing more difficult.
  8. The layering magnifies all the problems stated above.
  9. Then if your mowing with your trusty 21" mower, in the cool Florida sun, you may need a cold beer break every 20 minutes?

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The true story of Verticutters here in TampaBay

1) The original Ryan Verticutter, when it died
parts were not available to repair the gearbox.

2) Then I found 2 of these newer model Verticutters stuck back in the corner of a mower shop.
The company who was at one time plastering the back page of the TV Dail ( Sunday St. Petersburg Times)
with verticutting ads, had given up on Verticutting?  At that time I didn't know why.

3) Then we Verticutt the soccer field above and this lawn in Seminole, both Bermuda grass.


5) Then we found out why the contractor was out of the  Verticutting business?
This machine was tearing out the grass, not cutting it like in the photo below!

6) After we almost destroyed some St. Augustine lawns, we built the machine above.

7) The finished product