In these blogs, we talk mostly about St. Augustine grasses.
But what about the other common grasses in Central & South Florida:
- Bermuda grass is a deep rooted grass. It should be mowed at 1", it's water requirements may be different.
- Zoysia grass is now becoming popular and is also deeply rooted. It also has different water requirements. Also, it should be mowed at 1"
- St. Augustine grass was developed at the home of the Florida Gators, UF. GoGators!
- Bahia grass
( Mole crickets can do severe damage to all Southern grasses)
Because Bahia is deep rooted it can go long periods without water.
Because Bahia is deep rooted it can go long periods without water.
- Because Bahia requires very little water, a sprinkler system may not be necessary.
- It will also and not be necessary to have an every-other-month lawn spray program.
- Bahia grass should only be fertilized spring & fall.
- Bahia will grow much faster in the summer months, and if you love mowing, mow every 5 days. Then in the cool season, you may only have to mow once a month.
- One warning when sodding, Bahia sod is mostly broken pieces and is twice as hard to lay a even attractive lawn in the beginning. After you piece your puzzle together, rent a roller, and even down a cold beer or two, in memory of the fun you just had?
The Larra Wasp - Eats the Mole Cricket
The Larra bicolor wasp--one of the mole cricket's natural enemies--is called a "parasitoid" because its young feed off mole crickets, though the adults live on nectar. The wasp lays an average of two to three eggs per day, or up to one hundred in a lifetime. Each one of these eggs is laid on a mole cricket.
More from UF:
For a top secret way to have the best Bahia lawn call York:
Happy Mowing
For a top secret way to have the best Bahia lawn call York:
Happy Mowing