Saturday, September 5, 2015

Verticutting versus Aeration on St. Augustine Lawns

Image result for aeration photos on st augustine grass

Just imagine you saw an ad on TV for aeration? It was claiming how wonderful this process could be for your lawn? Lets be specific your St. Augustine lawn.

Lets discuss aeration, in the photos below?

Image result for aeration photos on st augustine grass
This photo  St.Augustine is what you commonality find here in Central Florida.
Over 90% of these lawns are growing on sand.
I have some questions for those advocating aeration on these lawns?

  1. The coring machine below appears to have a tine of about 4". Fig 1
  2. If the lawn has a matting of 4" or more,  then what value does the process have?
  3. Answer: The plugger may barely penetrate the soil, 
  4. If the lawn is growing on sand why does it need aeration at all?
  5. Answer: Sand does not need aeration.
  6. What stops the small hole in the sand from closing back up? Does that not question the promise of fig 2?
  7. Answer: You get lucky?  There is no evidence anything in fig 2  is happening.
  8. If you remove this core, which will contain thatch, are you removing it from the lawn?
  9. If you don't remove the core (clean-up), then you are leaving the thatch back were you found it?
  10. What does aeration/coring do to control the matting problem, or improve mowing?
  11. Answer: nothing
Please let me know if you find any photos of aeration on a St. Augustine lawn?

In fig 5 you can see how verticutting, thin cleans and aerates, all grasses.

Image result for aeration photos on st augustine grass
Fig 1

Fig 2
Image result for aeration photos on st augustine grass
Fig 3

Fig 5

More info: Call York 727-455-7337